duminică, 13 martie 2011

Am niste versuri noi pentru voi:D
Sper k o sa va placa si acestea:D

Amintiri din trecut

1.In urma noastra.
Au ramas niste simple amintiri,
Poate atunci ne faceau sa zburam
Iar acum ne dau doar o stare de tristete

2.Sunt amintiri ale caror clipe
Nu le pot da uitarii nici daca as vrea
Sunt amintiri care acum
Retrezesc in mine spiritul de a iubii

3.Imi amintesc si acum
Cum m-ai luat de mana
M-ai privit in ochi
Si atunci am simtit ca lu-am scantei

4.Toate amintirile cu noi
Acum sunt doar niste simple foi
Sterse de trecut
Si uitate de prezent

joi, 10 martie 2011

Lipsa de activitate in ora de desen:))

Cand nu ai ce face la scoala,iata o idee creativa:D

Eram in ora de desen si nu aveam chef sa desenez asa k m-am apucat sa scriu "o poezie":))
in continuare va voi spune poezia pe care am redactato,sper k o sa va placa:D....

Ca sa uit de noi
Ne-am cunoscut intr-o vara banala
Nu la mare,ci pe bancutza din parc
Era seara,cu o racoare adanca
Cand am simtit pentru prima oara,
Cum timpul zboara,

2.Am continuat sa ne vedem in fiecare zi,
Si totul parea ca merge bine,
Dar intr-o zi ai plecat
Si totul s-a intunecat.

3.Am trecut prin amintiri,
Cu ochii deschisi si goi.
Ca sa uit de noi.

4. Au fost zile,
Cand treceam cu ochii tristi,
Dar pentru tine se pare.
Ca a fost doar un simplu joc
Pentru tot ce a fost.

5.Am trecut prin foc si ploi
Si nas da macar pentru o secuna timpul inapoi,
Am trecut prin razboaie de iubire.
Prin amintiri triste si goale
Ca sa uit de noi.

luni, 7 martie 2011

A perfect world to live in

A perfect world to live in.

Our world is protected by a magical force.This magical force,always gives us

directions how to live and how to be a human.God is the protector of your planet ,he is helping us when we need it ,but when we are doing big mistakes he punished us.

We all are different but actually we are the same.Some people are little or taller,but we all are God's children.Sometimes ,people are underestimated by other people,but they hide in their selfs a beast like a leon,who is helping them to move on.This people who always are understimated by other people,they have this"beast" from God,beacause se does not want his chilldren to suffer,so he give's this power to them.

God when he created this world,he has given us a very big and important gift,this gift is about freedom.Freedom is an important thing in a life of a human or animal.But some people can't have this freedom,and that's a really sad thing.

Our world is not perfect.and maybe will never be,but if we try a little harder we can make it a better palce.

If i will have a chance to make our world better .I will change almost.I will battle whit the evail,and I will distroy him.

If I had this chance,I will create a dream world.Now our world is black and sad,but If I had the chance to do something for this sad planet,I will make it a colorful planet like a rainbow,a similing planet full of love and happiness.Now the nature is so sad she is crying for help,we have to make her happy ,clean and colorful back.She deserve that,she is like a second home for us.All the animals deserve a happy life just like us,so let's do something for everybody.

So this is my dream world,a world whitout evil,full of love happiness and freedom.

This is what we and our sad and black planet need's to be a dream planet.